FAQs - frequently asked questions

Currently the maximum file size is 3072 MB.
Yes! You will see the download link and the delete link after the upload, which you can also send to your email address.
No! You can download with full bandwidth. There is no limit on our part!
No! The number of simultaneous downloads and uploads is unlimited!
All kinds of files may be uploaded. However, these must comply with the applicable laws of your country see further in the Terms of Use.
No! Deleted files are irretrievably lost. File backups are the responsibility of the user.
No! Unfortunately that is not possible.
No! There is no restriction of download. You can download as much as you want!
No! There is no upload limit. You can upload as much as you want!
Yes! But only if you have uploaded the file via UCP, you can search for your files.
You log in with your email address in the UCP, under files you can see the link and also send it by email.
If you have uploaded the file without logging into the UCP, the link is gone forever.